Arizona's governor Jan Brewer signed what is now the most horrendous law of all time. The law SB1070 allows cops to question you on your immigration status, just based on the way you look. Also if they say they're doing this right then why don't they pull over Indian's or Arab's, I have nothing against Indian's or Arab's or any other kind of race, but if they're doing this fairly then why are they only pulling over Hispanics. It also prohibites people to knowingly hire immigrants. People say that that is the reason unemployment is rate is so high. So what immigrants aren't allowed to work because citizens can't find jobs. Who's fault is that?
There are kids who grow up in the as immigrants and they study and work hard. For what? so that they can be deported after a lifetime of hard work. Some immigrants grow up to be the most famous people in the world. The Dream Act is a group that helps student immigrants. The Dream Act has been denied two times but they don't give up, they just get back up and try again. I think we should all be like that, never give up.
Its scary not knowing if one of your family members goes out to work like any other day and not knowing if they come back. What do you think of this law?