1. Why should people have right to public assembly (to gather in one place for a reason)?
I think people should have right to public assembly because its like freedom of speech, everyone is allowed to speak for what they believe in. People gather in one place as a way of fighting against what they believe in without violence. I have been to a public assembly and people all around the world gathered around to fight against the law SB1070. People sung some marched but their was this one guy. He was supporting the law SB1070 and he came up to us saying " Is that all you can do? This pueblo sucks. Go back to Mexico!" Then he stuck his tongue out like a little kid. That didn't hurt anybody if anything it made us want to shout louder. Their were babies on their parents shoulders holding up signs. I remember my baby cousin started marching around our block with one the signs we brought home. she's only 6 and she yelled it at the top of her lungs not caring who was looking at her.
2. How exactly do you think technology helped protesters in the Middle East to assemble (Hint: think about texting, Facebook and Twitter)?
I think that texting and using facebook really does help, because even though you can't exactly be there you can help out through facebook supporting the cause. I think the internet brings people together. It makes us one huge communtiy.