Little Manhattan

Little Manhattan has to be my favorite movie of all time. A romantic comedy about innocent puppy love.

The Sorry Email BoyFriend POV

I'm sorry I went through your messages, it was wrong and i know that now. It was stupid and I would give anything to trun back the clock. I do trust you. I promise to never to do it again. I promise that I will make it up to you some way or somehow. But most of all I promise to never doubt you again. I really like you and I promise to never doubt you again. Do you forgive me? :/
( Should she forgive him?)

Break- Up Email Girl Friend POV

2:26 PM Posted by scordova188 0 comments
Today my perspective on you changed. I trusted you and I thought you trusted me, but obviously you didn't if you felt the need to go through my messages. It broke my heart that you would even think that I was talking to someone behind your back. So what if guys were posting comments on my page? I would have never doubted you. I really like you but it feels like your suffocating me. I really didn't want to do this but I need space and your not giving it to me. I think we should take a break. Sorry.

The BoyFriend Break-In

Friday, May 27, 2011 8:05 AM Posted by scordova188 0 comments
I picked answer C "Just tell her. Her reaction will say it all." because in a relationship there should always be trust or it's not even worth it. If you trust her their should be no reason to snoop or hire a private investigator.
I think that people that say mean things Online are really insecure, butthey feel they can say whatever they want because the internet gives you an invisible mask. No one can see you and that gives people power. Online you can be anyone or anything and say or do anythng. With a couple of letters and a single click you can turn someone's life upside down.
Privacy for me is very important because i grew up always having to share. I never had my own room or even closet. I always had to share and i feel that I'm growing up and its time for me to have some kind of privacy. I don't let anyone know my password because i had a bad experience leaving my aim open for like 10 minutes. I had left to walk my dog and i come back and see that my status say "I'm gay". I was furious and embarrassed. I stomped my way over too my giggling cousins and we got into our biggest fight ever, it was a big issue because the same thing had happened to my dads facebook page some one wrote the exact same thing. everyone from my family started asking me question and asking if i was really gay. It was hurtful because no one would listen to me, except a very few people. After a couple of days everything got cleared up and it was okay but my cousins STILL call me gay. They wrote the rumour and don't let it go. I know they're joking but it's still hurtful.
It got worse when a cirten girl in our school posted a comment saying that if i was bi she would ask me out. My family saw that and friends. What made it worse for me is that I had already told her that I was straight. I was forced to block this person and it was really hurtful.

Ayiti : The Cost Of Life

1) How is Ayiti different from 3rd World Farmer? How is it the same?

Ayiti is different from 3rd world farmer because in 3rd world farmer you can play as long as you want but in Ayiti there are four seasons.Also in 3rd world farmer its only you working not your family. In 3rd world farmer all you do is grow crops but n Ayiti you can work in different jobs and send kids to school.It is the same as 3rd world farmer because you still have to keep your family alive and get a a good amount of money.

2) What strategies did you use? For example, did you combine work and school, or did you send everyone to work? Which worked? Which did not?

I combined work and school and I didn't end up so well. Everyone kept getting sick or dying. I tried using a different tactic. I sent the kids to school then in the summer i sent them to work on family farm and the parents would work in whatever they offered. Everything was going good until everyone started to get sick and in the end i ended up with -5468 money. At the end everyone died. =(

3) Why would parents choose to devote so much effort to sending their children to school? What obstacles did you face in trying to keep them in school?

I think parents choose to devote so much effort into sending their kids to school because they want a better future for their childeren's lives. they want their kid to have a higher education so that they can get a better job and get on with life. Parent want all their kids to be succesful. No parent wants to see their childeren end up homeless and living of the city. What college you get into effects what kind of job you get. Two people go to a job interview. One of them went to a community college and got the best grades and had a 4.0 average. The other one went to Harvard but didn't do so well. Which one would get the job?. I asked my father and my stepmom this question and their answers were that they want to see their childeren grow up and be happy, but sometimes kid just don't get. My stepmom was top of her class in colombia and graduated with honors. She had her degree for accounting and she made very good money, but when she came over here she didn't know what to do. She didn't speak english but she made herself be understood. She got a deent paying job but its nothing compared to what she earned in colombia. My father started college but sadly didn't get to finish because when he came over here he had to start working. He devots so much time in making sure that my brother and I have a better future than he did. I will always thank him for that, he's the best parent in the world. <3


Thanks for the complement but i will not send any pictures. I have more respect for myself than that! All your gonna do with those pictures is foward them to your buddies. You think im that dumb? You and I could go to jail. I could go to jail for sending them and you could go to jail for having them. Whats wrong with you?! Don't ever talk to me again!

Right To Public Assembly

1. Why should people have right to public assembly (to gather in one place for a reason)?

I think people should have right to public assembly because its like freedom of speech, everyone is allowed to speak for what they believe in. People gather in one place as a way of fighting against what they believe in without violence. I have been to a public assembly and people all around the world gathered around to fight against the law SB1070. People sung some marched but their was this one guy. He was supporting the law SB1070 and he came up to us saying " Is that all you can do? This pueblo sucks. Go back to Mexico!" Then he stuck his tongue out like a little kid. That didn't hurt anybody if anything it made us want to shout louder. Their were babies on their parents shoulders holding up signs. I remember my baby cousin started marching around our block with one the signs we brought home. she's only 6 and she yelled it at the top of her lungs not caring who was looking at her.

2. How exactly do you think technology helped protesters in the Middle East to assemble (Hint: think about texting, Facebook and Twitter)?

I think that texting and using facebook really does help, because even though you can't exactly be there you can help out through facebook supporting the cause. I think the internet brings people together. It makes us one huge communtiy.

Fortune Teller

Scratch Project

SB1070 =(

Arizona's governor Jan Brewer signed what is now the most horrendous law of all time. The law SB1070 allows cops to question you on your immigration status, just based on the way you look. Also if they say they're doing this right then why don't they pull over Indian's or Arab's, I have nothing against Indian's or Arab's or any other kind of race, but if they're doing this fairly then why are they only pulling over Hispanics. It also prohibites people to knowingly hire immigrants. People say that that is the reason unemployment is rate is so high. So what immigrants aren't allowed to work because citizens can't find jobs. Who's fault is that?
There are kids who grow up in the as immigrants and they study and work hard. For what? so that they can be deported after a lifetime of hard work. Some immigrants grow up to be the most famous people in the world. The Dream Act is a group that helps student immigrants. The Dream Act has been denied two times but they don't give up, they just get back up and try again. I think we should all be like that, never give up.
Its scary not knowing if one of your family members goes out to work like any other day and not knowing if they come back. What do you think of this law?